The Diversification Dividend:
Southeast Asia 2024

Companies which diversify their revenue streams offer greater returns to their shareholders than those who don't. Our latest study looked at shareholder return data of 651 listed companies in APAC between 2010 - 2019 (period 1) and 2020 - 2023 (period 2) to compare the performance of those who added new revenue streams (classified as "diversifiers") to those that did not. We analysed their Total Shareholder Return (TSR) metrics, resulting in a stark warning: a lack of diversification can be disastrous for shareholder value.
The Diversification Dividend: Southeast Asia 2024

Key Findings

Scaling Success

Companies adding new revenue streams over time outperform peers that stick to their core business in terms of stock market performance.

Pandemic Resilience

During the COVID years and beyond (2020 - 2023), companies that added one or more revenue streams ("diversified") offered less volatile returns: -63% for diversifiers vs. -85% for non-diversifiers (vs. 2010 - 2019).

Inertia Challenge

Large companies often face the challenge of active inertia, executing changes using tried-and-tested methods under outdated assumptions, which can impede effective diversification.
The Diversification Dividend

2024 Edition

Stryber, a leading strategic growth consultancy and corporate venture builder, analysed sales and total shareholder return data for its newly released report, “The Diversification Dividend”. The findings offered a stark warning: a lack of diversification can be disastrous for shareholder value.

The importance of diversification was underscored during COVID. In the preceding period of calm between 2010-2019, businesses that had consciously added revenue streams during this period delivered 16% superior annual median total shareholder returns. In the turbulent years of 2020-2023, that number shot up to 53%.

The findings are published in the latest report from Stryber, entitled “The Diversification Dividend” - which continues research first conducted in 2021, in its “The Power of Diversification” report.
"Our research demonstrates that diversification is not only a strategy for growth but also a hedge against market volatility. Companies that focus solely on their core business may see short-term efficiency gains, but they risk long-term value destruction. On the other hand, if they have the capability to add new revenue streams, whether through M&A or venture building, they are better positioned to weather economic uncertainty and deliver long-term value to shareholders”
Jan Sedlacek
Co-founder and Managing Partner at Stryber

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